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Título: Commodities Shaping a New Imperial History: Tobacco and the Iberian Empires
Autores/as: Luxán Meléndez, Santiago de 
Figueiroa-Rego, Joao
Sanz Rozalen,Vicent 
Stubbs, Jean
Coordinadores/as, Directores/as o Editores/as: Curry-Machado, Jonathan
Stubbs, Jean
Clarence-Smith, William Gervase
Vos, Jelmer
Clasificación UNESCO: 550606 Historia de la economía
530407 Producción
Palabras clave: Tobacco
Iberian empire
Asia, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Editor/a: Oxford University Press 
Proyectos: La Transición Del Monopolio Al Libre Mercado Del Tabaco en Cuba, Canariasy Filipinas. Experiencias Comparadas 
Publicación seriada: The Oxford Handbook Of Commodity History
Resumen: Tobacco, which originated in the Americas, was one of the early commodities to shape a new imperial history. This chapter highlights recent historiography of tobacco in the Iberian Empires, which from the seventeenth century became embedded in transimperial and transcolonial connections in territories of the Americas, Africa, and Asia. This longue-durée history was one of tobacco monopoly and an Atlantic tobacco system that was integrally tied to the slave trade from Africa to the Americas, extended across the Pacific; was constantly dogged by opposition, illicit trade and smuggling; and witnessed major changes in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This is illustrated by two case studies, one of Portugese and the other of Spanish tobacco history, and a concluding section signals comparative lessons of this history and the relevance of the Iberian case for the broader study of commodities and empire.
ISBN: 9780197502686
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197502679.001.0001
Fuente: The Oxford Handbook of Commodity History / Jonathan Curry-Machado (ed.), Jean Stubbs (ed.), William Gervase Clarence-Smith (ed.), Jelmer Vos (ed.)
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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