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Título: New Perspectives on Old Matters: A Review of Archaeological and Chronometric Data from Abrigo Do Sol (Mato Grosso, Brazil)
Autores/as: Gilson, Simon-Pierre Noël R 
Bueno, Lucas
Clasificación UNESCO: 550501 Arqueología
Palabras clave: Abrigo Do Sol
Amazon Forest Peopling
Brazilian Radiocarbon Dating
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Radiocarbon 
Resumen: Based on the study of the primary documentation related to the excavations carried out by Eurico Miller in the 1970s at Abrigo do Sol, Mato Grosso (Brazil), we propose a new reading of the stratigraphic and chronological information obtained from this rock shelter. Despite the apparent incongruity in the chrono-stratigraphic distribution of published dates, a detailed examination of the stratigraphy and field notes allowed us to identify a chronometric sequence with regular distribution between the Middle Holocene and the Late Pleistocene periods for the Abrigo do Sol site. We present here the original documents related to radiocarbon dating and their analysis. We finally show the implications of this study for understanding this site and the discussions related to the ancient settlements of the Amazon forest.
ISSN: 0033-8222
DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2024.30
Fuente: Radiocarbon [ISSN 0033-8222], v. 66 (1), p. 46-58 (Enero 2024)
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