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Title: Biophysical coupling of seasonal chlorophyll-a bloom variations and phytoplankton assemblages across the Peninsula Front in the Bransfield Strait
Authors: Veny, Marta
Aguiar González, Miguel Borja 
Marrero Díaz, María De Los Ángeles 
Pereira Vázquez, Tania 
Rodríguez Santana, Ángel 
UNESCO Clasification: 251007 Oceanografía física
Keywords: West Antarctic Peninsula
Sea-Ice Extent
Water Masses
Biomass, et al
Issue Date: 2024
Project: Impacto biogeoquímico de procesos a mesoescala y submesoescala a lo largo del ciclo de vida de remolinos ciclónicos y anticiclónicos:variabilidad planctónica y productividad 
CIEMAR (29HE19991212)
COUPLING (CTM2008- 06343- CO2-01)
Journal: Ocean Science 
Abstract: This study investigates the spatio-temporal variations in the chlorophyll-a (chl-a) blooms in the Bransfield Strait (BS) at a climatological scale (1998-2018). We propose that suitable monitoring of these blooms can be achieved through remotely sensed observations only if the BS is divided following the Peninsula Front (PF), which ultimately influences the phytoplankton assemblage. Our analysis is based on characterizing climatological fields of sea surface temperature (SST), air temperature, sea ice coverage, chl-a concentrations and wind stress, guided by synoptic novel and historical in situ observations which reveal two niches for phytoplankton assemblage: the Transitional Bellingshausen Water (TBW) and Transitional Weddell Water (TWW) pools. The TBW pool features stratified, less saline, warmer waters with shallow mixed layers, while the TWW pool features well-mixed, saltier, and colder waters. We identify that the 0.6 °C isotherm corresponds to the summertime climatological PF location, effectively dividing the BS into two different scenarios. Furthermore, the 0.5 mg m-3 chl-a isoline aligns well with the 0.6 °C isotherm, serving as a threshold for chl-a blooms of the highest concentrations around the South Shetland Islands. For the first time, these thresholds enable the monthly climatological descriptions of the two blooms developing in the BS on both sides of the PF. We think this approach underscores the potential of combining SST and chl-a data to monitor the year-to-year interplay of the chl-a blooms occurring in the TBW and TWW pools contoured by the PF.
ISSN: 1812-0784
DOI: 10.5194/os-20-389-2024
Source: Ocean Science[ISSN 1812-0784],v. 20 (2), p. 389-415, (Marzo 2024)
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