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Title: A SWOT Analysis of the Use of Marine, Grain, Terrestrial-Animal and Novel Protein Ingredients in Aquaculture Feeds
Authors: Glencross, Brett
Ling, Xiaowen
Gatlin, Delbert
Kaushik,Sadasivam J. 
Øverland, Margareth
Newton, Richard
Valente, Luisa M.P.
UNESCO Clasification: 310502 Piscicultura
Keywords: By-Product
Insect Meal
Poultry Meal, et al
Issue Date: 2024
Journal: Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture 
Abstract: A variety of new feed ingredients are emerging in the aquaculture feed sector. While the technology readiness of these options varies across and within the new ingredient classes, it remains important to consider them in terms of the overall feed ingredient spectrum. In this review, the use of marine, grain, terrestrial animal by-product and a range of novel (e.g., bacterial and yeast) resources being considered as potential protein feedstuffs for use in aquafeeds is explored. In comparing the nutritional attributes of each of the ingredient classes, an assessment framework is applied based on understanding the critical knowledge required to be able to accommodate any ingredient in a formulation process. To further examine each of the different ingredient classes a Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-and-Threats (SWOT) analysis is applied, to enable some consideration of what future potential may exist across the spectrum and what risks and opportunities they may bring. It is noted that all ingredients have strengths and weaknesses, and that there is no such thing as the perfect ingredient. By better appreciating the positives and negatives of each ingredient, it becomes possible to increase adaptability in responding to the various opportunities for their use in feeds.
ISSN: 2330-8249
DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2024.2315049
Source: Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture[ ISSN 2330-8249], (Enero 2024)
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