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Título: Variability in sentence comprehension in aphasia in German
Autores/as: Pregla, Dorothea
Lissón Hernández, Paula José 
Vasishth, Shravan
Burchert, Frank
Stadie, Nicole
Clasificación UNESCO: 5701 Lingüística aplicada
Palabras clave: Adaptation
Canonicity and interference effects
Object manipulation
Self-paced listening, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Brain and Language 
Resumen: An important aspect of aphasia is the observation of behavioral variability between and within individual participants. Our study addresses variability in sentence comprehension in German, by testing 21 individuals with aphasia and a control group and involving (a) several constructions (declarative sentences, relative clauses and control structures with an overt pronoun or PRO), (b) three response tasks (object manipulation, sentence-picture matching with/without self-paced listening), and (c) two test phases (to investigate test–retest performance). With this systematic, large-scale study we gained insights into variability in sentence comprehension. We found that the size of syntactic effects varied both in aphasia and in control participants. Whereas variability in control participants led to systematic changes, variability in individuals with aphasia was unsystematic across test phases or response tasks. The persistent occurrence of canonicity and interference effects across response tasks and test phases, however, shows that the performance is systematically influenced by syntactic complexity.
ISSN: 0093-934X
DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2021.105008
Fuente: Brain and Language [0093-934X], vol. 222, November 2021, 105008
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