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Título: Technology-based entrepreneurs database
Autores/as: García-Cabrera, Antonia Mercedes 
García-Soto, María Gracia 
Palabras clave: entrepreneur
technology-based ventures
entrepreneurship team
performance, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Editor/a: Zenodo
Descripción: This database presents a sample of 175 Spanish technology-based ventures. It shows information on different aspects of the entrepreneur and the start-up firm, such as founding teams, entrepreneur’s resources, sources of knowledge, entrepreneur's training and experience, technology strategy, innovation, and firm’s performance (foreign market performance, total market performance, superior financial outcomes, and survival). The study is longitudinal and uses data from 2008 and 2014, which was collected from two sources of information and at two moments of time. To conduct the fieldwork and data collection we proceeded in two phases as follows. First phase (in 2009). We built an online questionnaire to collect the data and the link to the questionnaire was sent by e-mail to NTBFs’ founder-managers. We first used the SABI database for identifying NTBFs using the following criteria: the venture has fewer than 250 employees; is not integrated into a corporate group; operates in a high-technology sector, following the OECD’s classification of industries based on technology; and finally, at the time of the fieldwork, the firms would be operational for up to 8 years, and so should be “new” according to Wang and Chen (2016) and Nuscheler et al. (2019), who consider the limit to qualify a firm as new as 10 years. This fieldwork was carried out from January to July 2009. Questions refer to resources available within the NTBF at or near the firm’s inception and the venture’s performance up to 2008. We obtained 175 valid responses. Second phase (in 2016). We carried out a new process of information gathering in 2016. We collected data available in the SABI database for those NTBFs participating in the first phase of our study (the ones that had answered the survey in 2009). Specifically, we observed and took data concerning financial outcomes for 2008 and 2014 and survival information for 2014 (five years after the survey was conducted). Specifically, the most up-to-date data on firms available in 2016 refers to 2014.
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Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Colección:Datasets ULPGC
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actualizado el 31-ago-2024

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