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Título: The city-port dialogue in São Vicente-Cape Verde: Mindelo-Porto Grande (Africa)
Otros títulos: El diálogo ciudad-puerto en São Vicente-Cabo Verde: Mindelo-Porto Grande (África)
Autores/as: Medina Álvarez, Iván 
Domínguez Mujica, Josefina 
Solana Suárez, Enrique 
Clasificación UNESCO: 6201 Arquitectura
620103 Urbanismo
54 Geografía
Palabras clave: Cape Verde
Porto Grande
Urban-Port Development
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Ciudad y Territorio: Estudios Territoriales 
Resumen: The aim of this paper is to analyze de role of Porto Grande propelling the Mindelo’s urbaniztion (São Vicente, Cape Verde), a reverse phenomenon to those enclaves of Macaronesia where the big cities have generated port developments. Using an observational and comparative methodology, the paper characterizes the elements of the relation city-port in Mindelo, through their dissimilar stages of evolution: the connection between urban and port environment; the urban expansion and its es-trangement from the port; the lack of integration of the waterfront in the city; and the recent urban restitution of port areas. The magnitude of these processes has little in common with those of other Atlantic archipelagos, despite which timid processes of touristification and outsourcing can be seen.
ISSN: 1133-4762
DOI: 10.37230/CyTET.2023.218.12
Fuente: Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales [ISSN 1133-4762, eISSN 2659-3254], v. 55, n. 218, p. 1215-1232, (Diciembre 2023)
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