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Title: Bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus health status as an assesment of environmental degradation?
Authors: Arbelo Hernández, Manuel Antonio 
Degollada, E.
Suárez del Castillo, L.
André, M.
Fernández Rodríguez, Antonio Jesús 
UNESCO Clasification: 240119 Zoología marina
310512 Ordenación y conservación de la fauna silvestre
Issue Date: 2001
Conference: 15th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society 
Abstract: The Canary Islands represent an area of primary interest in terms of marine mammal biology and health because of the presence thoughout the year of 27 celacean'sp"ci"s along with a-greatconcentration of diverse human activities' The growing concem aboi marine mammal conservation ìed to ttre development of a local strandings network' allowing an exhaustive study ofthe pathologies causing their death. The coastal resident character of bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncattus i'n th"." ,nut"., pãint" to thiã species as a suitable marker to estimate the parameters affecting the bio-cons"*"t¡on of this partiãular marine environment. To achieve the objective of assessing the population health of the local bottlenose dolphin population, a systematic post-mortem analysis of carcasses is routinely carried out at our veterinary schoãl faciliiies. we present here the pathological findings of rursiops stranded in the Canary Islands during the period, 1996-2000 (n:l l)' The diagnostics showed several processes leading to the death ofthe dolphins' Most of the animals (n:5) presented a multiorgarric failure accompanied by septicaemiå'and immunodeficiency. Fisheries interactions (n:2) appeared to be the second on the list. Interestingly, we found a case of interspecific interaction, together with thoracic ffauma resulting in a cardiovur*tu. faiíoíé. Finally, another individuàl showed an advanced parasitic lepto-meningoencephalitis caused by a trematode of the Nositremq sp' The diversity of the pathological processes affecting Tursiops t*n"!t^ in fhe canaries suggests that this species may not be the recipient ofã cleår predominant hr.inan acúvity-related pathology. Nevertheless, this preliminary conclusion and the ,"tatirely smaíl sample size indicate the necessity for a long-term monitoring of those p"rft"ngi""f processes in order to define the ìmpact of environmental degradation on this species'
Source: 15th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society
Appears in Collections:Póster de congreso
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