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Título: Electricity balancing challenges for markets with high variable renewable generation
Autores/as: Rosales Asensio, Enrique 
Borge Diez, David
Sarmento, Paula
Clasificación UNESCO: 3322 Tecnología energética
Palabras clave: Small-scale power generation sources
Balancing energy
Future energy markets
Distribution and management of energy
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 
Resumen: This research studies how the process of equalizing the supply and demand of electrical energy can be improved in a foreseeable scenario characterized by a high share of renewable energy and distributed energy plants. The increase in the number of distributed energy resources can intensify the difficulties in balancing supply and demand but, at the same time, can help to enable an efficient settlement of active power imbalances. In the European market the distributed energy resources, either independently or in aggregate, have a modest contribution to the equalization process. This research focuses on an analysis of prevailing configurations for balancing the supply and demand of electrical energy in Europe and on checking its suitability for a prospective scenario with a much higher share of renewable energy than the present one. The results show that the ongoing configuration in Europe is an inheritance that constraints present choices. Furthermore, the study compares the current configurations in the European Union and the United States and highlights the challenges that the European Union is facing, mainly due to infrastructure bottlenecks between member states.
ISSN: 1364-0321
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2023.113918
Fuente: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews [ISSN 1364-0321], v. 189, part A, 113918, enero 2024
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