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Title: The Use of Crystal Violet Degradation Products for Ballpoint Pen Ink Manuscript Dating
Authors: Díaz-Santana, Óscar
Cárdenes-Sánchez, Nuria
Conde-Hardisson, Francisco
Rivero Rosales, Argimiro 
Suárez De Tangil Navarro, Miguel Ángel 
Vega Moreno, Daura 
UNESCO Clasification: 2301 química analítica
Keywords: Ballpoint Pen Ink
Crystal Violet
Dyes, et al
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: Molecules 
Abstract: Determining the approximate dates that written documents were drawn up based on the chemical composition of the ink is not a simple process. It is very demanding in terms of legal requirements. Various studies have succeeded in dating manuscripts by analyzing the temporal evolutions of the concentrations of dyes and solvents in documents based on the original formulations of the ink pens. These analyses were carried out simultaneously by HPLC-DAD for dyes and by GC-MS for solvents. This study aims, for the first time, to evaluate novel ink compounds and the temporal evolution of the concentrations of the degradation products of the dyes used by most suppliers and which are present in almost all types of ballpoint inks, i.e., Crystal Violet (CV). CV degrades through two parallel pathways: on the one hand, it undergoes progressive demethylation until it becomes pararosaniline, and on the other, it undergoes a breakdown of the molecule obtaining, among other by-products, the compound N,N′-Dimethyl-4-aminophenol (NNAPH), that was experimentally verified using four different inks (e.g., Inoxcrom® and Sigma® brands, in blue and black). For the NNAPH compound, we observed that four of the inks under analysis displayed the same temporary behavior despite having different initial chemical compositions. These initial results show the high potential for both CV and NNAPH, together with the rest of the pararosaniline family, as age tracers for dated/old documents. These techniques may potentially open up new avenues for universal dating tools, regardless of the brands of ink employed for use in different ballpoint pen types.
ISSN: 1420-3049
DOI: 10.3390/molecules28176429
Source: Molecules [ISSN 1420-3049],v. 28 (17), (Septiembre 2023)
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