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Título: A location‑allocation model for bio‑waste management in the hospitality sector
Autores/as: Santos Peñate, Dolores Rosa 
Suárez Vega, Rafael Ricardo 
Florido De La Nuez, María Del Carmen 
Clasificación UNESCO: 530801 Metodología económica
Palabras clave: Circular economy
Mixed integer programming model
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Proyectos: Modelos de Interacciones Espacialesy Técnicas de Redes Complejas Para El Estudio de Flujos Comercialesy Turismo 
R+D+I Towards aquaponic development in the up islands and the circular economy 
Publicación seriada: Networks and Spatial Economics 
Resumen: Tourism generates huge amounts of waste. It has been estimated that about half of the waste generated by hotels is food and garden bio-waste. This bio-waste can be used to make compost and pellets. In turn, pellets can be used as an absorbent material in composters and as an energy source. In this paper, we consider the problem of locat- ing composting and pellet-making facilities so that the bio-waste generated by a chain of hotels can be managed at or close to the generation points. The general objective is twofold: i) to avoid waste transportation from generation to treatment points and product transportation from production to demand points, and ii) to implement a cir- cular model in which the hotels themselves become the suppliers of the products they need (compost and pellets) by transforming the bio-waste that they generate. Any bio-waste not processed by the hotels has to be treated at private or state-run plants. A mathematical optimization model is presented to locate the facilities and allocate the waste and products. The application of the proposed location-allocation model is illustrated with an example.
ISSN: 1566-113X
DOI: 10.1007/s11067-023-09593-0
Fuente: Networks and Spatial Economics [ISSN 1566-113X], v. 23, p. 611–639. 2023
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