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Título: Characteristics of the Commercial Passages and the Great Modern Galleries of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: A Theoretical Review of the Collective Space Características de los pasajes comerciales y las grandes galerías modernas de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: una revisión teórica sobre el espacio colectivo
Autores/as: De Castro González, Oscar I 
Clasificación UNESCO: 6201 Arquitectura
Palabras clave: Collective Space
Las Palmas De Gran Canaria
Shopping Centres
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Architecture, City And Environment
Resumen: Collective space is an urban category that shows the complexity of the city by questioning the limits traditionally imposed by the ownership of a plot. These private spaces for public use extend the influence of the streets into the private plots, improving the permeability of the city and enriching the citizen experience. In this way they constitute an urban centrality in themselves according to their relationship with the public space and the uses of collective interest that they group. However, narrowing down its definition is still subject of academic debate, and the term is sometimes used loosely. For this reason, this work takes a historical tour to show the birth and evolution of the phenomenon from the industrial city, in addition to reviewing and comparing similar publications and research papers. Finally, with the purpose of adjusting the characteristics of the collective space stated in its definition, two commercial areas of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria city have been studied. The parameters used for this analysis are property, accessibility and programmatic complexity. This analysis is an example of how to understand its operation and influence within the urban fabric.
ISSN: 1887-7052
DOI: 10.5821/ace.18.52.11926
Fuente: Architecture, City and Environment[ISSN 1887-7052],v. 18 (52), (Junio 2023)
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