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Título: The genomic history of the indigenous people of the Canary Islands
Autores/as: Serrano, Javier G.
Ordóñez, Alejandra C.
Santana Cabrera, Jonathan Alberto 
Sánchez Cañadillas,Elías 
Arnay, Matilde
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Amelia Del Carmen 
Morales Mateos, Jacob Bentejui 
Velazco Vázquez,Francisco Javier 
Alberto Barroso,Carmen Verónica 
Delgado Darias,Teresa 
de Mercadal, M. Carmen Cruz
Hernández, Juan Carlos
Moreno-Benítez, Marco A.
Pais, Jorge
Ringbauer, Harald
Sikora, Martin
McColl, Hugh
Pino-Yanes, Maria
Hernández Ferrer, Mariano
Bustamante, Carlos D.
Fregel, Rosa
Clasificación UNESCO: 550405 Prehistoria
2410 Biología humana
240903 Genética de poblaciones
Palabras clave: Canarias
Aborígenes canarios
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Nature Communications 
Resumen: The indigenous population of the Canary Islands, which colonized the archipelago around the 3rd century CE, provides both a window into the past of North Africa and a unique model to explore the effects of insularity. We generate genome-wide data from 40 individuals from the seven islands, dated between the 3rd–16rd centuries CE. Along with components already present in Moroccan Neolithic populations, the Canarian natives show signatures related to Bronze Age expansions in Eurasia and trans-Saharan migrations. The lack of gene flow between islands and constant or decreasing effective population sizes suggest that populations were isolated. While some island populations maintained relatively high genetic diversity, with the only detected bottleneck coinciding with the colonization time, other islands with fewer natural resources show the effects of insularity and isolation. Finally, consistent genetic differentiation between eastern and western islands points to a more complex colonization process than previously thought.
ISSN: 2041-1723
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40198-w
Fuente: Nature Communications [EISSN 2041-1723], v. 14 (1), (Diciembre 2023)
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