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Título: Compassion in hotels: does person–organization fit lead staff to engage in compassion-driven citizenship behavior?
Autores/as: Zoghbi Manrique Lara, Pablo 
Ruiz-Palomino, Pablo
Linuesa-Langreo, Jorge
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Palabras clave: Compassion
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Person–Organization (P-O) Fit
Value Congruence
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 
Resumen: Existing research on person–organization (P-O) fit (POF) has ignored other-centered mechanisms in explaining why high levels of fit with the work environment increase employee’s organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Using four factors involved in the compassion process (common humanity, empathic concern, kindness, mindfulness), this article investigates employee compassion as a mediator that explains why POF affects OCB directed toward individuals (OCBI) and the organization (OCBO). Our structural equation modeling analysis on 280 Spanish hotel employees reveals that compassion mediates the relationship between POF and OCBs. However, considering the employment contract of the sample (temporary, permanent), the mediation for OCBO was partial and full among permanent and temporary staff, respectively. These findings suggest that staff who fit their hotel are more likely to be sensitive to others’ setbacks and misfortunes, lessening or alleviating them (compassionately) by performing OCBs. However, compared with permanent staff, temporary staff’s OCBO response to POF is more compassion-driven.
ISSN: 1938-9655
DOI: 10.1177/19389655231178267
Fuente: Cornell Hospitality Quarterly[ISSN 1938-9655],v. 64 (4), p. 473-484, (Noviembre 2023)
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