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Título: Serrana Andaluza kid carcass produced in extensive and intensive systems
Autores/as: RG Costa
Camacho, Maria Esperanza
AF Vallecillo
A Cabello
Argüello Henríquez, Anastasio 
JV Delgado
Clasificación UNESCO: 3104 Producción Animal
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: International Goat Association
Conferencia: 9th International Conference on Goats 
Resumen: In the present study we have recorded 109 characteristics of the Blanca Serrana kid carcass, with a view of its use to define productive and commercially the main product of the breed, the meat. In this purpose we have sampled initially 40 kids, 20 males and 20 females. Half of then were located in an intensive farm until slaughtering with around 18 kg. Another set of kids was maintained in the original farm under extensive conditions. The carcass components were separated and weighted under standard methods, always by the same technician. These data were located in a data base and analyzed with the Statistic for Window soft ware. We applied a descriptive statistic analysis and ANOVA of fixed effects (GLM), enclosing the factors sex and management system as source of variation, together with their interaction. Our results have shown as in most of the studied variables there is not appreciable significant effect of the proposed factors and interaction; only those variables linked to the secondary sexual characters, such us the head weight, shown a clear effect of the sex; while those where the fattening is involved, shown a significant effect of the management system, but also some adaptative character as the digestive organs weight was affected by this source of variation. We have defined a specific profile for the commercial characteristics of the Blanca Serrana kid carcass, useful to differentiate it in the market. Also we have detected a small effect of the management system over the most interesting carcass variables. Also the sexual dimorphism was very few evident in the carcass characteristics.
Fuente: 9th International Conference on Goats
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