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Título: Monitoring of marine plastic debris in a marina in Gran Canaria. A pilot study
Autores/as: Collado Sánchez, Cayetano 
Melián Ramírez, Abisai 
Montoto Martínez, Tania 
Nantois, Perrine 
Gelado Caballero, María Dolores 
Clasificación UNESCO: 331210 Plásticos
330811 Control de la contaminación del agua
330511 Puertos
Palabras clave: Floating Litter
Plastic Fragments
Marine Debris
Ports and Marinas
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Editor/a: Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) 
Proyectos: Red naútica de cooperación en la Macaronesia. Fomento de la internacionalización, la competitividad turística y el crecimiento azul de la Macroregión MAC 
Prevención y Gestión de Riesgos Específicos de contaminación y salvamento ligados al espacio marítimo de cooperación y a la zona costera en la macrorregión MAC 
Conferencia: II International Workshop on Marine Litter (BAMAR 2022) 
Resumen: The aim of this work was to study the characterisation of floating debris on the water surface inside a marina, Pasito Blanco (Gran Canaria). The separation and sampling of different inorganic debris present in this area was carried out by using two active filtering devices called Seabin (, specially designed for use in harbours and marinas, which removed floating debris up to 2 mm. The study was carried out by sampling the retained material on a weekly basis between September 2020 and January 2021. The anthropogenic marine litter fractions were quantified following the guidelines proposed by the NOAA MDP for Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment (MDMAP) into 44 items, grouped into 7 categories (plastics, metal, glass, rubber, processed wood, fabric/fabric and other/unclassified) (Lippiatt, S., Opfer, S., & Arthur, C. (2013). The identification of the filtered material was done by a manual separation process of the different types of fragments. A significant amount of seagrass wrack in the marina containing trapped litter fragments was observed. In general, a dominance of plastic fragments (more than 60%) compared to the other litter was established during the pilot study. The variability in the composition of the collected marine litter appeared to be a consequence of both hydrodynamic and environmental factors such as the current and wave intensity, winds, boat traffic and other port facility maintenance activities in the marina. The results of the sampling and the characterisation of the different fragments provide a first approach to the evaluation and quantification of the different types of marine litter in these port environments, where activities related to nautical sports and coastal transport cause floating debris to converge. The results can contribute to raising awareness of marine litter management policies at sea and in port areas with nautical activity.
ISBN: 978-84-9042-480-3
Fuente: Libro de Abstracs del II International Workshop on Marine Litter (BAMAR 2022) / María Esther Torres Padrón (ed.), p. 107
Colección:Póster de congreso
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