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Título: Common errors in the assignation of maturity stages in teleosts from macroscopical classification
Autores/as: García-Díaz, M. M.
Lorente, M. J.
González Pérez, José Antonio 
Tuset Andujar,Victor Manuel 
Santana, J. I.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2401 Biología animal (zoología)
Palabras clave: Serranus species
Fecha de publicación: 2001
Conferencia: 10th European Congress of Ichthyology - ECI X 
Resumen: The determination of sex and maturity stages has been found to be necessary to obtain essential information on the reproductive biology of fish populations. The aims of this work were to compare the macroscopic classification of maturity stages commonly used in fishery studies with the histological characteristics of the gonads, and then to describe the errors derived from the traditional classification methods.
Fuente: 10th European Congress of Ichthyology - ECI X. Programme & Book of Abstracts: Praga (República checa), 3-7 de septiembre de 2001, p. 154
Colección:Actas de congresos
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