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Title: Age and growth of the alfonsino Beryx decadactylus (Cuvier, 1829) from the Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands, based on historical data
Authors: Krug, Helena
Carvalho, Dalila
González Pérez, José Antonio 
UNESCO Clasification: 3105 Peces y fauna silvestre
240109 Crecimiento animal
Keywords: Berycidae
Comparative growth analysis
Macaronesian archipelagos
Growth overfishing
Issue Date: 2011
Project: CE DG XIV PESCA/C/1 95/032
Journal: Arquipélago. Ciências biológicas e marinhas 
Abstract: Age and growth of the alfonsino Be,yx decadactylus from the Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands were studied based on otolith readings. Alfonsino otoliths are thin and show clear annual growth rings. Specimens ranged in size from 2 1.0 to 50.0 cm fork length (aged 2 to 10 years) in the Azores, 20.0 to 45.0 cm fork length(! to 11 years) in Madeira, and 2 1.0 to 44.0 cm fork length (0 to 9 years) in the Canary Islands. No significant differences in growth parameters were found between males and females in any of the three archipelagos. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for all individuals were: L00=68.40 cm LF, k=0.11 yeaf1 , 10=-1.90 year in the Azores; L00=70.10 cm Lr, k=0.07 yeaf1 , t0=-4.83 year in Madeira; L00=58.l l cm LF, k=0.11 yeaf1 , t0=-4.70 year in the Canary Islands. No significant differences in growth parameters were found between the three archipelagos.
ISSN: 0873-4704
Source: Arquipélago. Ciências biológicas e marinhas [ISSN 0873-4704], n. 28, p. 25-31, (2011)
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