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Title: Ultraestructure of the vitellogenic process in the king crab, Chaceon affinis
Authors: Aragón, L.
Medina, A.
Espinosa, D. I.
García, E.
Lorenzo Nespereira, José María 
Santana, J. I.
Tuset Andujar,Victor Manuel 
Ayza, O.
Arrasate-López, M.
García-Mederos, A. M.
González Pérez, José Antonio 
Lozano, I. J.
UNESCO Clasification: 2401 Biología animal (zoología)
Keywords: Vitellogenesis
Deepwater crab
Chaceon affinis
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Estação de Biologia Marinha do Funchal. Funchal, Madeira
Project: REDECA
Conference: XV Simpósio Ibérico de Estudos de Biologia Marinha (SIEBM 2008) 
Abstract: Early (previtellogenic) oocytes of deepwater crab Chaceon affinis show a high nucleus-cytoplasm ratio, a single nucleolus, and the nuclear envelope shows abundant nuclear pores. Small "nuages" are seen at the perinuclear cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains ribosome-like particles, round mitochondria, and electron-clear vesicles. During vitellogenesis cytoplasmatic membrane inclusion proliferate. The cytoplasm also has multivesicular bodies and vesicles enclosing a dense granular core surrounded by an electron-clear matrix.
Source: XV Simpósio Ibérico de Estudos de Biologia Marinha (SIEBM 2008): Funchal (Portugal), 09-13 de septiembre de 2008, p. 85
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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