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Título: Photo-induced enhanced Raman spectroscopy for universal ultra-trace detection of explosives, pollutants and biomolecules
Autores/as: Ben-Jaber, Sultan
Peveler, William J.
Quesada Cabrera, Raúl 
Cortés, Emiliano
Sotelo Vázquez, Carlos
Abdul Karim, Nadia
Maier, Stefan A.
Parkin, Ivan P.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2301 química analítica
220808 Fuentes de partículas
230117 Espectroscopia Ramn
Palabras clave: Analytical chemistry
Nanophotonics and plasmonics
Raman spectroscopy
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Nature Communications 
Resumen: Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy is one of the most sensitive spectroscopic techniques available, with single-molecule detection possible on a range of noble-metal substrates. It is widely used to detect molecules that have a strong Raman response at very low concentrations. Here we present photo-induced-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, where the combination of plasmonic nanoparticles with a photo-activated substrate gives rise to large signal enhancement (an order of magnitude) for a wide range of small molecules, even those with a typically low Raman cross-section. We show that the induced chemical enhancement is due to increased electron density at the noble-metal nanoparticles, and demonstrate the universality of this system with explosives, biomolecules and organic dyes, at trace levels. Our substrates are also easy to fabricate, self-cleaning and reusable.
ISSN: 2041-1723
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12189
Fuente: Nature Communications [ISSN 2014-1723], v. 7, 12189
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