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Title: Chemical characterization of Punta de Fuencaliente CO2 seeps system (La Palma Island, NE Atlantic Ocean): a new natural laboratory for ocean acidification studies
Authors: González Delgado, Sara
González Santana, David 
Santana Casiano, Juana Magdalena 
González Dávila, Melchor 
Hernández, Celso A.
Sangil, Carlos
Hernández, José Carlos
UNESCO Clasification: 251002 Oceanografía química
Keywords: Volcanic area
Brackish water discharge
Ocean acidification
Ocean chemistry
Issue Date: 2020
Project: Efecto de la Acidificacion Oceanica, la Temperaturay El Contenido de Materia Organica en la Persistencia de Fe(Ii) en El Oceano Atlantico 
Journal: Biogeosciences 
Abstract: We present a new natural carbon dioxide (CO2 ) system located off the southern coast of La Palma Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Like others CO2 seeps, these seeps can be used as an analogue to study the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on the marine realm. With this aim, we present an accurate chemical characterization of the seeps system carbon emissions, describing the carbon system dynamics, by measuring pH, AT and CT, as well as, Ω aragonite and calcite. Our explorations on the area have found several emission points with similar chemical features. Here, the CO2 emission flux varies between 2.8 kg. CO2 d-1 to 28 kg CO2 d-1 , becoming a significant source of carbon. CO2 seeps are of volcanic origin and the alteration of local ocean chemistry is due to acid brackish water discharges. Although this kind of acidified system is not a perfect image of future oceans, this area of La Palma island is an exceptional spot to perform studies aimed to understand the effect of different levels of OA on the functioning of marine ecosystems. These studies can then be used to comprehend how life has persisted through past Eras, with higher atmospheric CO2, or to predict the consequences of present fossil fuel usage on the marine ecosystem of the future oceans.
ISSN: 1726-4170
DOI: 10.5194/bg-2020-232
Source: Biogeosciences [ISSN 1726-4170], v. 18 (5), BG, 18, p. 1673–1687, (2021)
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