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Title: Measurements of ion-electron energy-transfer cross section in high-energy-density plasmas
Authors: Adrian, PJ
Florido Hernández, Ricardo Jesús 
Grabowski, PE
Mancini, R
Bachmann, B
Benedict, LX
Johnson, MG
Kabadi, N
Lahmann, B
Li, CK
Petrasso, RD
Rinderknecht, HG
Regan, SP
Seguin, FH
Singleton, RL
Sio, H
Sutcliffe, GD
Whitley, HD
Frenje, JA
UNESCO Clasification: 221009 Transferencia de energía
220410 Física de plasmas
Keywords: Fusion products
High energy density plasmas
Intertial confinement fusion
Plasma transport
Issue Date: 2022
Project: Caracterización espectroscópica de plasmas de laboratorio de alta densidad de energía mediante cinética atómica colisional-radiativa y dinámica molecular 
Journal: Physical review. E 
Abstract: We report on measurements of the ion-electron energy-transfer cross section utilizing low-velocity ion stopping in high-energy-density plasmas at the OMEGA laser facility. These measurements utilize a technique that leverages the close relationship between low-velocity ion stopping and ion-electron equilibration. Shock-driven implosions of capsules filled with DHe3 gas doped with a trace amount of argon are used to generate densities and temperatures in ranges from 1×1023 to 2×1024 cm-3 and from 1.4 to 2.5 keV, respectively. The energy loss of 1-MeV DD tritons and 3.7-MeV DHe3 alphas that have velocities lower than the average velocity of the thermal electrons is measured. The energy loss of these ions is used to determine the ion-electron energy-transfer cross section, which is found to be in excellent agreement with quantum-mechanical calculations in the first Born approximation. This result provides an experimental constraint on ion-electron energy transfer in high-energy-density plasmas, which impacts the modeling of alpha heating in inertial confinement fusion implosions, magnetic-field advection in stellar atmospheres, and energy balance in supernova shocks.
ISSN: 2470-0045
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.L053201
Source: Physical review E [ISSN 2470-0045], v. 106(5)
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