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Título: Adiciones y glosas marginales a los Exserpta ex decretis sanctorum patrum de Sg
Otros títulos: Additions and marginal glosses to the Exserpta ex decretis sanctorum patrum of Sg
Autores/as: Viejo Ximénez, José Miguel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5601 Derecho canónico
Palabras clave: Additions
Concordia Discordantium Canonum
Decretum Gratiani
Exserpta Ex Decretis Sanctorum Patrum
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Ius ecclesiae 
Resumen: The essay establishes the chronology of the additions and marginal glosses of the first part of Sg. The annotations are grouped by author and are framed in Gratian's tradition through their contrast with the stages of composition of the Decretum, as well as with the teachings of the first decretists. The only extant copy of the Exserpta ex decretis Sanctorum Patrum was produced and used at a time and place close to the time and place when the old versions of the first ius canonicum handbook were revised.
ISSN: 1120-6462
DOI: 10.19272/202008602010
Fuente: Ius Ecclesiae[ISSN 1120-6462], v. 32 (2), p. 579-622, (Enero 2020)
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