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Título: Violent encounter or capital punishment? Evidence of lethal violence in an indigenous burial from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain)
Autores/as: Alberto Barroso,Carmen Verónica 
Moreno-Benitez, M
Delgado Darias,Teresa 
Velazco Vázquez,Francisco Javier 
Suarez-Medina, I
Mendoza-Medina, F
Clasificación UNESCO: 550501 Arqueología
610801 Muerte
Palabras clave: Pre-Hispanic period
Forensic anthropology
Blunt force trauma
Death penalty
Funeral practices, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Anthropologischer Anzeiger 
Resumen: This paper focuses on an unusual Pre-Hispanic burial, 11–12th century cal AD, from Fuerteventura Island. The pattern of injuries of the skeletal remains, together with the grave’s features suggest exceptional circumstances of death and funerary treatment differing from those commonly observed elsewhere among the indigenous population of the Canary Archipelago. The study first uses forensic anthropology techniques to characterise the individual’s injuries before turning to archaeological and ethno-historical records of the indigenous populations to identify the potential scenarios explaining the fatal injuries. The nature of the peri-mortem lesions, especially those to the head, is consistent with an intention to kill. This case provides an opportunity to analyze the mechanisms of violence in a society with strong environmental limitations and conditions of isolation, as well as to deepen the concept of justice in ancient times.
ISSN: 0003-5548
DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1208
Fuente: Anthropologischer Anzeiger [0003-5548], n. 77 (4), p. 333-344 (30 nov 2020)
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