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Título: Proposals for sustainable transport in natural areas: a case study of Teide National Park
Autores/as: González Marrero,Rosa Marina 
Román García, Concepción 
Simón Marrero, Ángel
Clasificación UNESCO: 531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Palabras clave: Transporte sostenible
Alternative transportation systems
Parque Nacional del Teide
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Editor/a: Emerald 
Resumen: The exponential growth in the number of visitors and the mass-tourism mobility patterns in natural areas are causing serious issues such as traffic congestion, crowding in car parks, pollution, high noise levels, and traffic accidents. In order to redress this situation, demand management policies that propose more sustainable transportation systems are crucial. In this chapter, the authors summarize extensive research carried out in Teide National Park (Canary Islands, Spain), the most visited national park in Spain, one of the most visited in the world, and a clear example of a natural area under pressure from mass tourism. The authors present the current situation of the natural site and three scientific contributions based on a survey combining revealed and stated preferences that analyzes visitor preferences with regard to the use of sustainable transportation systems. The first study analyzes visitors’ preferences regarding the implementation of a public bicycle-sharing system. The second study explores visitors’ willingness to pay to reduce the environmental impact of their visit and the potential implementation of a shuttle-bus service. The third study investigates the recreational economic value of the site. The chapter provides useful information for decision-makers who need to ddress problems associated with the unsustainable visitor mobility and reports results that can be extrapolated to other natural parks with similar characteristics and high inflow of tourists.
ISBN: 2044-9941
Fuente: Sustainable Transport and Tourism Destinations. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021. Vol. 13. 179-197.
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