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Título: The role of the social and environmental accounting community ‘post’ pandemic
Autores/as: Correa Ruiz, Carmen
Déniz Mayor, José Juan 
Ruiz, Nuria Descalzo
Dillard, Jesse
Clasificación UNESCO: 5303 Contabilidad económica
Palabras clave: Academic Responsibility
Csear Community
Teaching Philosophy
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 
Resumen: Given the urgent need for change that has become even more evident during the pandemic, it seems fitting to critically reflect on our responsibilities as scholars, educators and colleagues, individually and as members of a purposeful, supportive community, in facilitating a more sustainable world. We share a roundtable discussion that was part of the 13th Spanish CSEAR conference in hopes that the conversation will continue within the community regarding some of the perceived roles, opportunities and responsibilities post-pandemic. The perspectives shared are from a group of scholars at different stages in their careers, who have different profiles, and see their responsibilities differently. These individual and collective perspectives address personal and professional aspirations, the focus and purpose of research, and the role of CSEAR as we move into the future. Hopefully by sharing perspectives from different vantage points ranging from the beginning to the end of the ‘academic life cycle’, we can stimulate and facilitate meaningful dialogue and debate within, and about the future of, our community leading to a more resilient, active, caring, supportive, inspiring, encouraging and helpful environment and more effectively further the transition to a more sustainable world.
ISSN: 0969-160X
DOI: 10.1080/0969160X.2023.2169318
Fuente: Social and Environmental Accountability Journal [ISSN 0969-160X], (Enero 2023)
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