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Título: O Soto Gari vs. Pardelera. A descriptive kinematics study of a laboratory sample
Autores/as: Marrero-Gordillo, Norberto
Balius-Matas, Xavier
Vargas-Barneond, Juan Carlos
Carmona-Calero, Emilia
Pérez-González, A.
Ramos Gordillo, Antonio Sebastián 
Castañeyra-Perdomo, Agustín
Clasificación UNESCO: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
5101 Antropología cultural
Palabras clave: Canarian Wrestling
Three dimentional analysis
Celtic wrestling
Fecha de publicación: 1998
Publicación seriada: Coaching & Sport Science Review 
Resumen: A three dimensional analysis was used to compare the technical execution of two techniques of two very similar types of struggle. One, from a Japanese Martial Art know as Judo, and the other from Tbe Canary lslands, called Canarian Wrestling. We explored these techniques with the possibility or bring something new to a young sport from another older sport. Judo was founded by Jigoro Kano al the end of 19º ccntury, while Canarian Wrestling existed before the Spanish conquest of the Canary lslands (second half of 15"' century) and so was practiced by aborigines. We have studied important parameters such as linear velocity, angular velocity and joint angles, of two opponents in two specific techniques: O Soto Gari (0G) of judo, and Pardelera (P) of Canarian Wrestling. We have obtained that both techniques can be used independently of what kind of sport modality we play. However. P is a leg-based technique executed through the arms, while 0G uses mainly the lower limb, so for each technique the wrestler must train different muscles. Finallv. 0G and P are basically identical, although the different starting position and grasping styles condition the progress of combats. So, P can be used in a Judo combat and viceversa, and 0G can be used in a Canarian Wrestling combat.
ISSN: 2225-4757
Fuente: Coaching & Sport Science Review [2225-4757], vol.3, nº2, p. 39-46
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