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Título: Evaluation of the ACTH stimulation test using a low dose of a depot formulation in healthy dogs and in dogs with untreated Cushing's syndrome
Autores/as: Melián Limiñana, Carlos 
Blanco, Beatriz
Ginel, Pedro J.
Pérez López, Laura Del Carmen 
Clasificación UNESCO: 320507 Neurología
310904 Medicina interna
Palabras clave: Canine Hyperadrenocorticism
Cortisol Response
Pituitary, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Research in Veterinary Science 
Resumen: The sensitivity of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test to detect Cushing's Syndrome (CS) using a depot formulation needs to be evaluated. The aims of this study were to propose a reference interval (RI) for cortisol values 1-hour after administration of a low-dose of depot ACTH in healthy dogs, and to evaluate the sensitivity of this test to detect CS, differentiating among types of CS based on ultrasound findings.Forty-one healthy dogs (20 males, 21 females) were prospectively included. Additionally, 90 dogs with CS (31 males, 59 females) were retrospectively included. Dogs with CS were ultrasonographically classified as follows: 44 dogs with symmetrical adrenomegaly consistent with pituitary-dependent hypercortisolism (PDH), 8 dogs with unilateral adrenomegaly and atrophy of the contralateral adrenal gland or unilateral or bilateral adreno-megaly with malignancy features consistent with adrenal-dependent hypercortisolism (ADH), 34 dogs with equivocal adrenal asymmetry (EAA) and 4 dogs with normal adrenal thickness.In healthy dogs, lower and upper limit of the 95% RI for 1-hour post-ACTH cortisol concentration and their 90% confidence intervals, were 4.4 (2.7-5.8) mu g/dl and 18.4 (16.5-20.0) mu g/dl, respectively. Post-ACTH cortisol concentration was above the RI in 90.0% (ci95%, 76.1-100) of dogs with CS. An elevated post-ACTH cortisol concentration was detected in 95.5% (ci95%, 76.1-100) of dogs with PDH, 62.5% (ci95%, 46.1-78.9) of dogs with ADH and 88.2% (ci95%, 69.1-100) of dogs with EAA. The sensitivity of the ACTH stimulation test using a low-dose of depot ACTH in high in dogs with CS.
ISSN: 0034-5288
DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2022.08.010
Fuente: Research In Veterinary Science [ISSN 0034-5288], v. 152, p. 207-211, (Diciembre 2022)
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