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Título: The COMBAT project: Controlling and progressively minimizing the burden of vector-borne animal trypanosomosis in Africa
Autores/as: Boulangé, Alain
Lejon, Veerle
Berthier, David
Thévenon, Sophie
Gimonneau, Geoffrey
Desquesnes, Marc
Abah, Samuel
Agboho, Prudenciène
Chilongo, Kalinga
Gebre, Tsegaye
Fall, Assane Gueye
Kaba, Dramane
Magez, Stefan
Masiga, Daniel
Matovu, Enock
Moukhtar, Aldjibert
Neves, Luis
Olet, Pamela A.
Pagabeleguem, Soumaïla
Shereni, William
Sorli, Brice
Taioe, Moeti O.
Tejedor Junco, María Teresa 
Yagi, Rehab
Solano, Philippe
Cecchi, Giuliano
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3212 Salud pública
320505 Enfermedades infecciosas
Palabras clave: Nagana
Progressive Control Pathway
Tabanids, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Open Research Europe
Resumen: Vector-borne diseases affecting livestock have serious impacts in Africa. Trypanosomosis is caused by parasites transmitted by tsetse flies and other blood-sucking Diptera. The animal form of the disease is a scourge for African livestock keepers, is already present in Latin America and Asia, and has the potential to spread further. A human form of the disease also exists, known as human African trypanosomosis or sleeping sickness. Controlling and progressively minimizing the burden of animal trypanosomosis (COMBAT) is a four-year research and innovation project funded by the European Commission, whose ultimate goal is to reduce the burden of animal trypanosomosis (AT) in Africa. The project builds on the progressive control pathway (PCP), a risk-based, step-wise approach to disease reduction or elimination. COMBAT will strengthen AT control and prevention by improving basic knowledge of AT, developing innovative control tools, reinforcing surveillance, rationalizing control strategies, building capacity, and raising awareness. Knowledge gaps on disease epidemiology, vector ecology and competence, and biological aspects of trypanotolerant livestock will be addressed. Environmentally friendly vector control technologies and more effective and adapted diagnostic tools will be developed. Surveillance will be enhanced by developing information systems, strengthening reporting, and mapping and modelling disease risk in Africa and beyond. The socio-economic burden of AT will be assessed at a range of geographical scales. Guidelines for the PCP and harmonized national control strategies and roadmaps will be developed. Gender equality and ethics will be pivotal in all project activities. The COMBAT project benefits from the expertise of African and European research institutions, national veterinary authorities, and international organizations. The project consortium comprises 21 participants, including a geographically balanced representation from 13 African countries, and it will engage a larger number of AT-affected countries through regional initiatives.
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.14759.2
Fuente: Open Research Europe[EISSN 2732-5121],v. 2:67, (Mayo 2022)
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