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Title: Oxasqualenoids from Laurencia viridis: Combined Spectroscopic-Computational Analysis and Antifouling Potential
Authors: Cen-Pacheco, F
Santiago-Benítez, AJ
García, C
Álvarez-Méndez, SJ
Martín Rodríguez, Alberto Jonatan 
Norte, M
Martín, VS
Gavín, JA
Fernández, JJ
Daranas, AH
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
2306 Química orgánica
Keywords: Oxasqualenoids
Laurencia viridis
Antifouling potential
Issue Date: 2015
Journal: Journal of Natural Products 
Abstract: The chemical study of the red alga Laurencia viridis has led to the isolation of four new polyether triterpenoids: 28-hydroxysaiyacenol B (2), saiyacenol C (3), 15,16-epoxythyrsiferol A (4), and 15,16-epoxythyrsiferol B (5). The structures of 2 and 3 were established mainly by NMR data analysis and comparison with the well-known metabolite dehydrothyrsiferol (1). However, due to the existence of a nonprotonated carbon within the epoxide functionality, stereochemical assignments in 4 and 5 required an in-depth structural study that included NOESY data, J-based configuration analysis, comparison with synthetic models, and DFT calculations. The biological activities of the new metabolites and other related oxasqualenoids were evaluated for the first time against a panel of relevant biofouling marine organisms, and structure-activity conclusions were obtained.
ISBN: 15206025 01633864
ISSN: 0163-3864
DOI: 10.1021/np5008922
Source: Journal of Natural Products [0163-3864], v.78(4), pp. 712-721 (Marzo 2015)
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