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Title: Giant Reed (Arundo donax L.) Fiber Extraction and Characterization for Its Use in Polymer Composites
Authors: Suárez García, Luis Adargoma 
Barczewski, M
Kosmela, P
Marrero Alemán, María Dolores 
Ortega Medina, Zaida Cristina 
UNESCO Clasification: 3313 Tecnología e ingeniería mecánicas
Keywords: Giant reed
Arundo donax
Natural fibers
Issue Date: 2022
Project: Inv2Mac
Journal: Journal of Natural Fibers 
Abstract: This work describes an extraction method for giant reed fibers from stems and leaves based on chemical soaking and crushing through a rolling mill. Obtained fibers, together with the shredded plant (stems + leaves), are characterized in terms of chemical composition, thermal stability, morphology, and crystallinity. Mechanical properties of fibers have also been assessed (single fiber tensile tests). The results show that the proposed method allows obtaining fibers with higher cellulose content (near 70%), good thermal stability (10% weight loss over 270°C), higher density, and better mechanical properties than other Arundo fibers previously reported in the literature. Fibers from leaves are thinner and show higher crystallinity than those from stems (72 μm vs. 157 μm, 73% vs. 67% crystallinity, respectively), although mechanical properties are similar for both (around 900 MPa for tensile strength and over 45 GPa for elastic modulus). Analysis of the microstructure shows that fibers consist of microfiber bundles, and the removal of a thin layer of non-cellulosic nature is clear; fibers provide a rougher, cleaner surface than shredded raw material.
ISSN: 1544-0478
DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2022.2131687
Source: Journal of Natural Fibers [ISSN 1544-0478]
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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