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Title: 3D Simulation in the lower troposphere: wind field adjustment to observational data and dispersion of air pollutants from combustion of sulfur-containing fuel
Authors: Winter Althaus, Gabriel 
Betancor, J.
Montero García, Gustavo 
UNESCO Clasification: 2501 Ciencias de la atmósfera
330801 Control de la contaminación atmosférica
Keywords: Wind Field
Planetary Boundary Layer
Lower Troposphere
Mixed Finite Element
Geostrophic Wind
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Springer 
Abstract: Combinations of mathematical models with data at particular points from observational networks are required in order to generate physically consistent wind fields and atmospheric pollutant distributions. We describe a methodology used to evaluate the modifications to wind flow and pollutant dispersion, mainly caused by the interaction of the air flow with the terrain.
ISBN: 978-3-642-62289-2
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-18780-3_3
Source: Ocean Circulation and Pollution Control. A Mathematical and Numerical Investigation / Díaz, J.I. (eds), p. 29-51
Appears in Collections:Capítulo de libro
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