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Title: Co-creating practical wisdom through rational, spiritual and emotional capacities
Authors: Cegarra-Sánchez, Jorge
Cegarra-Navarro, Juan Gabriel
Sánchez Medina, Agustín Jesús 
UNESCO Clasification: 7201 Filosofía del conocimiento
630202 Psicología social
630303 Metodología
Keywords: Workplace Spirituality
Collaboration, et al
Issue Date: 2022
Journal: Kybernetes 
Abstract: Purpose This study aims to investigate the concept of "practical wisdom" which may be defined as the ability to effectively manage one's rational knowledge and to read and respond appropriately to the interplay of other people's emotions and one's own and their values. The aims of this study also are (1) to investigate the relationship between the spiritual, emotional and rational capacities which underpin practical wisdom and (2) to analyse the relationship between the practical wisdom co-created in and between individuals through these three capacities. Design/methodology/approach This study adopts a case study methodology by considering the experience provided by a group of hikers who organized a trip to cross the island of Gran Canarias and its natural parks. Findings This study proposes that the presence of spiritual, emotional or rational capacities can boost individual self-awareness, self-control and empathy, which can help workers in general and knowledge workers, in particular, more effectively tackle difficult situations, remain calm and collectively develop and enact appropriate responses to these situations. Therefore, results show that the concept of practical wisdom allows for the identification of both the nature of the capacities that contribute to the effective handling of difficult situations and them and the balance that needs to be developed between them. Practical implications For knowledge workers, the study provides a framework and an explanatory framework to help them understand how rational, spiritual and emotional capacities both interact and are operationalized to tackle difficult problems. Furthermore, it enables them to identify situations where success to consider such interactions, leads to develop and implement appropriate responses to such situations. Originality/value A proper balance of emotional, rational and spiritual capacities may enable people to have a more holistic vision of difficult situations, allowing the finding of appropriate solutions to complex problems (i.e. practical wisdom). This study contributes to strengthening knowledge workers' perception and understanding of the links between the knowledge stocks and knowledge flows that relate to a practical perspective of wisdom.
ISSN: 0368-492X
DOI: 10.1108/K-03-2022-0474
Source: Kybernetes [ISSN 0368-492X], (2022)
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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