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Title: Hígado graso no alcoholico y obesidad infanto-juvenil
Other Titles: Nonalcoholic fatty liver and infant-child obesity
Authors: Peña Quintana, Luis 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
320110 Pediatría
Keywords: Hígado graso
Cirrosis hepática
Estrés oxidativo
Issue Date: 2009
Journal: Revista Espanola de Pediatria 
Abstract: El hígado graso no alcohólico (NAFLD) se define como la acumulación macrovesicular de grasa superior al 5% de los hepatocitos y se engloba en este término la esteatosis simple, la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica (NASH) con inflamación, varios grados de fibrosis o ambas y la cirrosis. En la actualidad no existe consenso sobre el tratamiento en NAFLD/NASH. Básicamente consistirá en evitar el consumo de alcohol, reducir la grasa hepática y el estrés oxidativo, para prevenir el desarrollo de fibrosis, que podría conllevar cirrosis e hipertensión portal (AU)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is defined as the macrovesicular fat accumulation greater than 5% of the hepatocytes and this term includes the simple steatosis, non-alcoholic steatoheatitis (NAS with inflammation, several grades of fibrosis or both and cirrosis. Currently, there is no consensus on the treatment of NAFLD/NASH. Basically, it would consist in avoiding alcohol consumption, reducing it would consist in avoiding alcohol consumption, reducing liver fat and oxidative stress, to prevent the development of fibrosis, that could lead to cirrhosis and portal hypertension (AU)
ISSN: 0034-947x
Source: Revista Española de Pediatría [0034-947x], v. 65(3), pp. 231-234 (Mayo-junio 2009)
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