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Título: Volcanic Modernity. The Ten-Bel Ensembles, Canary Islands
Autores/as: González Pérez, Juan Antonio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 620101 Diseño arquitectónico
Palabras clave: Turismo
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Editor/a: DOCOMOMO
Proyectos: La arquitectura del turismo en los paisajes insulares
Conferencia: 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1 
Resumen: This article reveals the innovative project mechanisms of the apartment ensembles making up the Ten-Bel tourist complex by architects Javier Diaz-Llanos, Vicente Saavedra and Luis Cabrera, the first intervention aimed at building a landscape of leisure to serve mass tourism on the island ofTenerife in the 1960s. This study shows how the aggregate modular system used in the configuration of the various Ten-Bel ensembles weaves a spatial fabric that sketches out new ways of using space in tourist installations. It demonstrates how the architects sought out ingenious methods for generating forms of spatia l organisation that would permit greater densities, while maintaining a large degree of privacy and intensifying the experiences of the landscape. The study discovers that the uniqueness and re levance of the Ten-Bel apartment ensemb les lie in the fact that they define complex residentia l units that reproduce the open spaces common ly found in urban contexts as part of the architecture itse lf. The ensembles are a means of interspersing architecture and urbanism, a way of constructing an integral space for tourism that unfolds in the territory as a function of the landscape. The research concludes that Ten-Bel's ensemb les forge a singular identity as a synthesis between modern architecture and local culture, constructi ng a modern space for tourism that preserves and promotes the idiosyncrasies of the vernacular architecture and the vo lcanic landscapes of Tenerife Island .
ISBN: 987-4-904700-68-6
Fuente: Proceedings of the The 16 International Docomomo Conference_Tokyo Japan 2020+11. Inheritable Resilence-Sharing Values of Global Modernities Book 3, p. 892-897
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