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Título: Male reproductive system
Autores/as: Ramírez González, Juan Andrés 
Sansone, Andrea
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320502 Endocrinología
241116 Fisiología de la reproducción
Palabras clave: Ejaculatory Function
Endocrine Regulation
Erectile Function
Male Reproductive System Anatomy
Male Reproductive System Physiology, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Editor/a: Elsevier 
Publicación seriada: Fertility, Pregnancy, And Wellness
Resumen: In the human, the organs intended for reproduction and copulation include internal organs, not visible, essentially for reproduction, and external organs, visible, for copulation. Thus, in the male reproductive system, the testis and the epididymis form a morphological and functional unit for the production of sperm; the accessory genital glands, intimately associated with the spermatic pathways, participate in the formation of genital plasma; and the external genital organs, located in the superficial space of the perineum, constitute the visible part of the reproductive organs and perform copulation. The function of the male reproductive system has an exquisite and precise endocrine and nervous regulation, involving different organs and mediators; sexual dysfunctions and infertility are often encountered following neurological or endocrine impairment.
ISBN: 9780128183090
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818309-0.00006-X
Fuente: Fertility, Pregnancy, and Wellness/ Diana Vaamonde, Anthony Hackney, Juan Garcia-Manso (eds.), p. 23-36, (Enero 2022)
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