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Title: The Urban Mirror of the Socioeconomic Transformations in Spain
Authors: Domínguez Mujica, Josefina 
UNESCO Clasification: 540401 Geografía urbana
540306 Geografía social
Keywords: Spanish cities
Economic crisis
Housing crisis, et al
Issue Date: 2021
Project: Vivienda y movilidad internacional en las ciudades insulares. La aparición de nuevas formas de desigualdad urbana. 
Journal: Urban science 
Abstract: This study offers an interpretation of the most significant characteristics of Spanish cities in the post-Fordist capitalist era, as a mirror of the economic and social transformations that have led to them, differentiating: (i) the stage of economic expansion at the turn of the century; (ii) the stage of the economic crisis from 2008 onwards; and (iii) the uncertain times we face for the future. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify the economic, housing, and political factors conditioning this evolution according to the processes of capitalist accumulation, dispossession, and repossession, and how they shape the social and urban configuration of Spanish cities. A careful selection of urban and economic indicators, its mapping, as well as an in-depth bibliographical review lead to this commentary and make it possible to identify urban developments in Spain in the light of the economic and social transformations of post-industrial capitalism.
ISSN: 2413-8851
DOI: 10.3390/urbansci5010013
Source: Urban science [ISSN 2413-8851], v. 5 (1), 13 (2021)
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