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Título: Government reactions, citizens’ responses, and COVID-19 around the world
Autores/as: Reiersen, Jon
Romero Hernández, Manuel Carmelo 
Adán-González, Romén
Clasificación UNESCO: 531207 Sanidad
5909 Administración pública
Palabras clave: Covid-19
Political Culture
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
Resumen: We analyze the relationship between different dimensions of the quality of the political system and the outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data are retrieved from open-access databases for 98 countries. We apply a multivariable regression model to identify the relationship between various factors likely to affect the number of COVID-19 deaths, in addition to different dimensions of the quality of the political system. We find that the high quality of the electoral process in a country is associated with more COVID-19 deaths, while good political culture is associated with fewer deaths. As expected, we also find that trust in government and experiences with pandemics in the past is negatively related to COVID-19 deaths. Finally, a high GDP per capita is significantly associated with more COVID-19 deaths. Our findings illustrate that rapid, effective, and comprehensive government measures can protect society from the spread of a virus, but citizen compliance is also essential to policy success.
ISSN: 1661-7827
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19095667
Fuente: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health[ISSN 1661-7827],v. 19 (9), (Mayo 2022)
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