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Título: Integration of assessment-methods for wave renewable energy: Resource and installation feasibility
Autores/as: Choupin, Ophelie
Del Río Gamero, Beatriz 
Schallenberg Rodríguez, Julieta Cristina 
Yánez Rosales, Pablo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3308 Ingeniería y tecnología del medio ambiente
332205 Fuentes no convencionales de energía
Palabras clave: Canary islands
Wave energy
Geographical information system (GIS)
Operation & maintenance
Wave metrics and indices, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Proyectos: Investigación e innovación hacia la Excelencia en Eficiencia tecnológica, uso de Energías renovables, tecnologías Emergentes y Economía circular en la DESalación 
Publicación seriada: Renewable Energy 
Resumen: As wave renewables can be a cornerstone in the energy mix framework necessary for a green energy transition, a new integrated model is introduced to assess coastal locations and wave resource potential for renewable installations based on: (A) wave resource metrics and indices, and (B) geographical analyses. The Canary archipelago (Spain) is a relevant case study due to its different islands' interactions and its human-related/environmental (including fauna/flora) restrictions. With respect to (A), 63 approaches (for 40 parameters) were investigated regarding their relevancy, complementarity and representativeness, to reduce them to a critical 9 final key performance indicators for the wave resource (power, direction, harshness and availability, amongst others). These were then strategically integrated to conduct the actual wave resource analysis. The restrictions assessed in (B) resulted in the distinction of most and least restrictive scenarios. The areas available for renewable installation according to (B) were then merged with the resource assessment performed in (A). Results highlight the archipelago's appeal for renewable installation, with the islands displaying a complex high-potential coverage partially located in the most restrictive scenario.
ISSN: 0960-1481
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.12.035
Fuente: Renewable Energy [ISSN 0960-1481], v. 185, p. 455-482
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