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Título: Decision support for complex systems: a smart grid case
Autores/as: Évora Gómez, José 
Hernández Cabrera, José Juan 
Hernández Tejera, Francisco Mario 
Clasificación UNESCO: 220203 Electricidad
120704 Distribución y transporte
120318 Sistemas de información, diseño componentes
Palabras clave: power grid system, complex system, power grid, demand side management, smart grid, data exploitation, decision support system, business intelligence, information visualisation, OLAP
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Conferencia: Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation, Cosmos 2013, workshop adscribed at UCNC'13
Resumen: Transitioning from traditional power grids to Smart Grids involves the use of a diffpower grid system, complex system, power grid, demand side management, smart grid, data exploitation, decision support system, business intelligence, information visualisation, OLAPerent approach based on complex systems to analyse the demand of power grids. This analysis provides information which supports the decision making when developing new policies for Smart Grids. These policies are designed and then tested through simulations since it is not possible to test them directly in a real power grid. Simulation output data can be analysed using a Business Intelligent approach in order to nd out KPI (Key Performance Indicators) which support decisions that tune policies. The way in which the results management should be dealt with is through an OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) approach which enhances the capability of querying data.
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