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Title: Landmark-based registration of medical-image data
Authors: Ruiz Alzola, Juan Bautista 
Suarez-Santana, Eduardo
Alberola-López, Carlos
Westin, Carl Fredrik
UNESCO Clasification: 3314 Tecnología médica
Issue Date: 2005
Journal: Medical Image Analysis Methods
Abstract: Image registration consists of finding the geometric (coordinate) transformation that relates two different images, source and target. Hence, when the transformation is applied to the source image, an image with the same geometry as the target one is obtained. Should both images be obtained with the same acquisition modality and illumination conditions, the transformed source image would ideally become identical to the target one. Image registration is a crucial element of computerized medicalimage analysis that is also present in other nonmedical applications of image processing and computer vision. In computer vision, for example, it appears as the socalled correspondence problem for stereo calibration [1] and for motion estimation [2], which is also of paramount importance in video coding [3]. In remote sensing, registration is needed to equalize image distortion [4], and in the broader area of geographic information systems (GIS), registration is needed to accommodate different maps in a common reference system [5].
ISBN: 9780203500453
DOI: 10.1201/9780203500453-13
Source: Medical Image Analysis Methods[EISSN ], p. 341-361, (Enero 2005)
Appears in Collections:Capítulo de libro
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