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Title: Microplastics, bisphenols, phthalates and pesticides in odontocete species in the Macaronesian Region (Eastern North Atlantic)
Authors: Montoto Martínez, Tania 
De La Fuente Marquez, Jesus 
Puig Lozano, Raquel Patricia 
Marques, Nuno
Arbelo Hernández, Manuel Antonio 
Hernández Brito, José Joaquín 
Fernández Rodríguez, Antonio Jesús 
Gelado Caballero, María Dolores 
UNESCO Clasification: 3105 Peces y fauna silvestre
330811 Control de la contaminación del agua
331210 Plásticos
Keywords: Macaronesia
Organic persistent contaminants (OPCs), et al
Issue Date: 2021
Project: Red Macaronésica de transferencia de conocimientos y tecnologías interregional y multidisciplinar para proteger, vigilar y monitorizar los cetáceos y el medio marino, y analizar y explotar de forma sostenible la actividad turística asociada 
Journal: Marine Pollution Bulletin 
Abstract: The gastrointestinal contents of twelve individuals from six odontocete species that stranded between 2018 and 2019 in the Macaronesian Region (Eastern North Atlantic) were examined for the presence of marine debris. In addition, concentrations of eleven organic persistent contaminants (nonylphenols, bisphenols, phthalates and pesticides) were analysed in muscle samples by liquid chromatography. No particles larger than 5 mm were found, except for two plastic labels that were found on the same dolphin. On the contrary, all animals contained microplastics of diverse sizes, most of them being fibres (98.06%, n = 708). The predominant detected pollutants were bisphenols (4-984 ng/g) and DEHP (102-1533 ng/g). Also, except for two individuals, all animals had pesticide levels in their tissues. This work has allowed the establishment of a protocol for the study of microplastic ingestion in cetaceans, and tests the potential of microRaman to improve the understanding of microplastic alteration processes.
ISSN: 0025-326X
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113105
Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin [ISSN 0025-326X], v 173 (Part B), 113105, (Diciembre 2021)
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