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Título: Milk and Dairy Products Intake Is Related to Cognitive Impairment at Baseline in Predimed Plus Trial
Autores/as: Munoz-Garach, A
Cornejo-Pareja, I
Martinez Gonzalez, MA
Bullo, M
Corella, D
Castaner, O
Romaguera, D
Vioque, J
Alonso-Gomez, AM
Warnberg, J
Martinez, JA
Serra-Majem, Lluís 
Estruch, R
Bernal-Lopez, MR
Lapetra, J
Pinto, X
Tur, JA
Lopez-Miranda, J
Bueno-Cavanillas, A
Delgado-Rodriguez, M
Matia-Martin, P
Daimiel, L
Sanchez, VM
Vidal, J
Prieto, L
Ros, E
Fernandez-Aranda, F
Camacho-Barcia, L
Ortega-Azorin, C
Soria, M
Fiol, M
Compan-Gabucio, L
Goicolea-Guemez, L
Perez-Lopez, J
Goni, N
Perez-Cabrera, J
Sacanella, E
Fernandez-Garcia, JC
Miro-Moriano, L
Gimenez-Gracia, M
Razquin, C
Paz-Graniel, I
Guillem, P
Zomeno, MD
Monino, M
Oncina-Canovas, A
Salaverria-Lete, I
Toledo, E
Salas-Salvado, J
Schroder, H
Tinahones, FJ
Clasificación UNESCO: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Cognition
Cognitive decline
Dairy products
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 
Resumen: Scope: To examine the association between milk and dairy products intake and the prevalence of cognitive decline among Spanish individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Methods and results: Cross-sectional analyses are performed on baseline data from 6744 adults (aged 55–75 years old). Intake of milk and dairy products is estimated using a food frequency questionnaire grouped into quartiles. The risk of developing cognitive impairment is based on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). A higher prevalence of cognitive decline was found in subjects who consumed more grams. Patients with worse MMSE score (10–24) consumed a mean of 395.14 ± 12.21 g, while patients with better MMSE score (27–30) consumed a mean of 341.23 ± 2.73 g (p < 0.05). Those subjects with the lower milk consumption (<220 g/day) had a higher MMSE score (28.35 ± 0.045). Higher intake of fermented dairy products was observed in participants with a lower MMSE score (OR 1.340, p = 0.003). A positive correlation was found between the consumption of whole milk and the MMSE score (r = 0.066, p < 0.001). Conclusions: These findings suggest that greater consumption of milk and dairy products could be associated with greater cognitive decline according to MMSE. Conversely, consumption of whole-fat milk could be linked with less cognitive impairment in the cross-sectional study.
ISSN: 1613-4125
DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.202000728
Fuente: Molecular Nutrition and Food Research [ISSN 1613-4125], v. 65 (7) : e2000728
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