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Título: International Residential Mobilities. From Lifestyle Migrations to Tourism Gentrification
Coordinadores/as, Directores/as o Editores/as: Domínguez Mujica, Josefina 
McGarrigle, Jennifer
Parreño-Castellano, Juan Manuel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 540401 Geografía urbana
531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
5403 Geografía humana
520302 Movilidad y migraciones internacionales
Palabras clave: Residential tourism
Second homes
International real estate investment
Local and global factors
Local and urban impacts, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Editor/a: Springer 
Publicación seriada: Geographies of tourism and global change 
Resumen: This book assesses the drivers and impacts of new international residential mobilities by considering a range of mobilities in different countries across the globe from investment, amenity and retirement mobilities to those of the new global middle class and the transnational elites. It examines the intersection of these mobilities with the increase in the volume of global tourism, the advent of the sharing economy and peer-to-peer platforms, and the effects of transnational property investment. The consequent transformations are considered in urban environments where tourism pressure coexists with gentrification, increasing house prices and processes of social and ethnic segregation. By offering a broad perspective based on different case studies, the book portrays the contradictory consequences of international residential mobilities both favouring local opportunities for development and disrupting housing markets through the disassociation from local demand. As a result this book is a great resource for academics and students in tourism, urban and migration studies as well as policy-makers and practitioners involved in urban planning, social affairs and tourism management.
ISBN: 978-3-030-77465-3
ISSN: 2366-5610
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77466-0
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