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Title: Applying data normalization for the Solar Radiation Modelling
Authors: Hernández Travieso, José G.
Travieso González, Carlos Manuel 
Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino 
Kishore Dutta, Malay
UNESCO Clasification: 3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctricas
Keywords: Data normalization
Climate application
Weather prediction
Solar radiation prediction
Reduce samples dispersion
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: WSEAS Press 
Conference: 11th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (EEESD 2015) 
Abstract: To normalize data gives the opportunity to reduce samples dispersion in order to obtain a better result in several investigations. This work tries to verify this hypothesis using meteorological data and different normalization methods. Meteorological data were provided by State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) depending of Spanish Government from meteorological stations located in Gran Canaria and Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain), working with data of solar radiation and applying normalization to solar radiation prediction
ISBN: 978-1-61804-280-4
Source: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (EEESD 2015) / Nikos E. Mastorakis, Ileana Corbi (eds.), p. 134-139
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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