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Título: Constructing the exotic other: Paradise discourse and environmental awareness in a corpus of popular romance fiction novels
Autores/as: González Cruz, María Isabel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 6202 Teoría, análisis y crítica literarias
5701 Lingüística aplicada
Palabras clave: Canary Islands
Environmental Awareness
Exotic Other
Paradise Discourse
Popular Romance Fiction
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Proyectos: Discursos, Género E Identidad en Un Corpus de Novela Rosa Inglesa Ambientada en Canarias y Otras Islas Atlánticas. 
Publicación seriada: Romantic Escapes: Post-Millennial Trends In Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction
Resumen: The corpus of romances compiled for Research Project FFI2014-53962-P1 can be approached from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. Many of these novels, set totally or partially in the Canaries, narrate the love stories of mixed couples (Spanish hero/English-speaking heroine), thus including Spanish borrowings and codeswitching. Most authors resort to a paradise discourse based on landscape descriptions which incorporate elements from the mythological, fantastic images conjured up by poets and writers throughout history. Due to the wide readerships they enjoy, these romances perform important functions; apart from being a channel for the international diffusion of Spanish vocabulary and of a stereotyped image of the Canaries, they can also play a role as builders of a much-needed environmental awareness, by arousing reflections on the need to preserve the paradise landscapes they describe.
ISBN: 9783034342803
Fuente: Romantic Escapes: Post-Millennial Trends in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction, p. 203-222, (Abril 2021)
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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