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Título: Endoscopic study of the oral and pharyngeal cavities in the common dolphin, striped dolphin, risso’s dolphin, harbour porpoise and pilot whale: Reinforced with other diagnostic and anatomic techniques
Autores/as: García de los Ríos y Loshuertos, Álvaro
Soler Laguía, Marta
Arencibia Espinosa, Alberto 
Martínez Gomariz, Francisco
Sánchez Collado, Cayetano
López Fernández, Alfredo
Gil Cano, Francisco 
Seva Alcaraz, Juan
Ramírez Zarzosa, Gregorio
Clasificación UNESCO: 240119 Zoología marina
310901 Anatomía
Palabras clave: Buccal
Common Dolphin (Delphinus Delphis)
Endoscopy, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Animals 
Resumen: In this work, the fetal and newborn anatomical structures of the dolphin oropharyngeal cavities were studied. The main technique used was endoscopy, as these cavities are narrow tubular spaces and the oral cavity is difficult to photograph without moving the specimen. The endoscope was used to study the mucosal features of the oral and pharyngeal cavities. Two pharyngeal diver-ticula of the auditory tubes were discovered on either side of the choanae and larynx. These spaces begin close to the musculotubaric channel of the middle ear, are linked to the pterygopalatine re-cesses (pterygoid sinus) and they extend to the maxillopalatine fossa. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), osteological analysis, sectional anatomy, dissections, and histology were also used to better understand the function of the pharyngeal diverticula of the auditory tubes. These data were then compared with the horse’s pharyngeal diverticula of the auditory tubes. The histology revealed that a vascular plexus inside these diverticula could help to expel the air from this space to the naso-pharynx. In the oral cavity, teeth remain inside the alveolus and covered by gums. The marginal papillae of the tongue differ in extension depending on the fetal specimen studied. The histology reveals that the incisive papilla is vestigial and contain abundant innervation. No ducts were ob-served inside lateral sublingual folds in the oral cavity proper and caruncles were not seen in the prefrenular space.
ISSN: 2076-2615
DOI: 10.3390/ani11061507
Fuente: Animals [EISSN 2076-2615], v. 11 (6), 1507, (Junio 2021)
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