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Título: Effect of different water quality on the nutritive value and chemical composition of Sorghum bicolor payenne in Cape Verde
Autores/as: Mendoza Grimón, Vanessa Reyes 
Amorós, Regla
Fernández Vera, Juan Ramón 
Hernández Moreno,José Manuel 
Palacios Díaz, María Del Pino 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310301 Producción de cultivos
330810 Tecnología de aguas residuales
Palabras clave: ADF
Climate Change
Food Sovereignty
NDF, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Proyectos: Ampliación de infraestructuras en Planta Piloto de Producción para adaptar la investigación en piensos para acuicultura a las demandas actuales en productos y procesos 
Publicación seriada: Agronomy 
Resumen: Cape Verde is a semiarid country where lack of rainfall exacerbates the scarce resources available for livestock which, therefore, make it very vulnerable to climate change. By providing reclaimed water (RW) for irrigation, it is possible to decrease forage importation. Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) improves health security by preventing contact between water and harvested plants. Sorghum is a water-efficient crop that provides good nutritional value. The aim of this experiment was to study the nutrient and fiber contents of the Sorghum Payenne variety using subsurface (T1) and surface (T2) drip irrigation by RW vs. conventional water (T3) and plant maturity to assure the feasibility of water reuse to produce forage. Ntot–Ptot–Ca–Mg and Na were significantly higher in the RW plants than in the conventional water ones. Ntot–Ptot–K and Fe contents significantly lowered, while Ca–Na and Mn significantly rose as plant maturity increased. All the fiber values meet the Nos. 2 and 3 quality standards, and the Prime and No. 1 for NDF and ADF, respectively. The obtained good forage quality let to avoid the competence of conventional water and to reuse nutrients added by RW. If generalized, this solution would reduce forage importation by improving food sovereignty and farmers’ profitability, and would enhance resilience against climate change effects.
ISSN: 2073-4395
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11061091
Fuente: Agronomy [EISSN 2073-4395], v. 11 (6), 1091, (Junio 2021)
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