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Título: First revision of the current status of seahorses (Syngnathidae) and their distribution throughout the Macaronesia (NE Atlantic)
Autores/as: Otero Ferrer, F. 
González, José Antonio 
Freitas, M.
Araújo, R.
Azevedo, J. M. N.
Holt, W. V.
Haroun Tabraue, Ricardo Jesús 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251005 Zoología marina
Palabras clave: Azores, Madeira, Canaries (Macaronesia)
Hippocampus spp.
Biodiversity management
Marine conservation
Morphology, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Editor/a: Okeanos
Publicación seriada: Arquipélago. Ciências biológicas e marinhas 
Conferencia: Island Biology 2016. II International Conference on Island Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Angra do Heroísmo 
Resumen: First revision of the current status of seahorses and their distribution in the Macaronesian archipelagos, based on general reports on fish community assemblages, specific assessments and overall data obtained from preserved specimens held in various museums and universities collections along the Macaronesia region. These reports have confirmed the presence of one main species throughout the region, the European short-snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus. Occasionally, two other species were also recorded, with one specimen of H. erectus caught in the Azores in 2004, and two individuals of H. algiricus observed in the Canary Islands in 2009-2010.
ISSN: 0873-4704
Fuente: Arquipelago [ISSN 0873-4704], Supplement 9, p. 53-54
Colección:Actas de congresos
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