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Title: Risk dependence and cointegration between pharmaceutical stock markets: the case of China and the USA
Authors: Zhou, Xinmiao
Qian, Huanhuan
Pérez Rodríguez, Jorge Vicente 
González Lopez-Valcarcel, Beatriz 
UNESCO Clasification: 531207 Sanidad
Keywords: Pharmaceutical indexes
Copula model
Fractional cointegration
Issue Date: 2020
Journal: North American Journal of Economics and Finance 
Abstract: This paper analyses risk-integration and the degree of dependence between the Values-at-Risk (VaRs) estimates for the two major pharmaceutical stock markets in the world: USA and China. To do this, we study the dependence and fractional cointegration properties among risks. Using daily returns for an eleven-year period, we estimated the VaRs obtained for pharmaceutical market portfolios in China (Shanghai) and the USA (NYSE) using the market model and considering both long and short trading positions. We conclude that the Shanghai pharmaceutical market is riskier than NYSE, although is predictable and losses in both markets exhibit tail dependence between VaR estimates. Particularly, there is lower tail VaR dependence for long position and upper tail dependence for short positions, both being small and fairly constant. On the other hand, we have not found fractional cointegration between risks, suggesting that China’s pharmaceutical sector is not integrated into the global pharmaceutical market.
ISSN: 1062-9408
DOI: 10.1016/j.najef.2020.101175
Source: North American Journal of Economics and Finance [ISSN 1062-9408], n. 52, (Abril 2020)
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